Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Chicken Crossed the Road for a Reason

The biggest challenge when fasting? I would say remembering the reason why you're fasting in the first place.

A couple days ago, before classes started, I decided to go home and talk to my mother. No. I should not have to take a two and a half hour trip just to talk to her but the premise of the trip is as follows: my mom blew up on me over the phone while i was out of town with some extended family members, ordering me to return home or all my stuff would be out on the curb, thus i decided to return to school early rather than remain in a house with someone i really have no relationship with. So I went home (Raleigh,NC) with my roommate in hopes of talking to my mom about the situation. I didn't give her a chance to back me into a corner in her own home so I am still left clueless as to what I did to deserve the blow up on the phone. It has been about a week since I talked to her. She won't pick up my phone calls nor will she return them. My father is also not speaking to me. But I won't talk about the latter party simply because it hurts too much. My mother ended up not being home. She was working late. I have to admit I was rather relieved but I still wanted to make some headway on the "issue." I woke up crying that day. I cried in the middle of the day. I cried talking it over with my neighbor. Honestly, I just wanted to say forget the whole fasting deal. I am not good at letting people help me. I know I haven't always been that way and God is obviously not a regular human being. But I struggle with letting him help me through it all. He has helped me a great deal in allowing someone like Zainab in my life (she saved me that day) but I don't trust in Him as I should.

Getting through that day.......reassured me that He would absolutely not abandon me when I needed Him most. And the day was not a complete waste. I received some wonderful advice from my neighbor.

But classes have started. I have a pretty strenuous course load that I am looking forward to combating. It has only been a week since the fiasco kicked off, things are still fresh and it's not at all the type of baggage I wanted to carry with me into school. School is the only thing I can control. Karma, Inc. helped me understand that. I'm keeping my eye on my prizes.